On November, 21st, we took our EnvironMentors students to visit the Penn State’s Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization (CNEU) at University Park. Through a partnership with the Pennsylvania Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT), Penn State created CNEU to tackle the needs of Pennsylvania’s skilled nanofabrication workers industry. Since its creation, CNEU has been dedicated “to research, development, and education across all aspects of micro-and nanotechnology” (CNEU).  The center also focuses on incorporating nanotechnology into secondary education, post-secondary education, and industry applications.

Furthermore, CNEU is also home to the UN’s Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chair. During our visit, our students not only had fun touring CNEU’s cleanroom/lab, which also serves as a classroom for the center’s students. The cleanroom contains various equipment ranging from a field emission Scanning electron microscope, furnace, Optical microscope, and many more. Our students also got to learn about the different research and nanotechnology products being created at the center.

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