Dr. Martín’s EnvironMentors 2022-23 Research Project

Project Description: Tall, grande, venti…

  • Nuclear energy has been developed around multi-megawatt electric power generation stations.
  • Large reactors are complex and, therefore, more prone to things going wrong.
  • Giant reactors for centralized energy production are not too compatible with a renewables-heavy energy landscape.


What will we do?

  • By making use of the DOE Dynamic Manufacturing Energy Sankey Tool, the EPA FLIGHT Tool and other information sources, we will explore the use of energy in the industrial sector within the Appalachia region.
  • After our exploration, we will determine the answer to THREE KEY QUESTIONS:
    • Which sectors might benefit the most from the adoption of nuclear batteries, using as criteria the reduction on their carbon footprint?
    • Which use of the nuclear battery is the best for the most attractive cases, heat generation, electricity generation or mixed use?
    • What is the adequate capacity of the nuclear battery for a typical installation for each candidate sector?


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